Trouble sleeping? These tips might help you.

Your “Sleep time” should be a synonym for rejuvenation and relaxation. Not sleeping enough or being an  insomniac may not only be bad for your overall health but also be mentally taxing. Sleeping as low as 4-5 hours a day further drains your body’s natural energy levels and interferes with how toxins exit our system.

There could be many external reasons that interfere with our sleeping pattern such as travelling, recurring noises to workload and social anxiety. Around 20% of our population have suffered insomnia at some point in their life; the balanced  percentage of people have experienced cycles of waking up at odd hours but not being able to get back to sleep. 

The most common issue that keeps one away from a healthy bedtime routine is overthinking and worrying right before sleep time. This not only makes one groggy, unproductive and cranky but also slips one into depression when unable to change. 

Many of us bring our stress to bed just like bringing the office to our dinner table. Keeping stress away from your bed and body is the easiest and first step towards making good sleep a part of your lifestyle.

Some handy tips to help one to be more sleep-friendly: 

  1. Develop a bedtime routine that does not involve overthinking or over-stressing.
  2. Create an ambience of peace with some good music to unwind or an excellent book to read.
  3. Think good thoughts before bedtime to positively start the following great day. 
  4. Avoid overeating or overstimulation before bedtime.
  5. Holistically practice meditation or yoga, allowing all negativities and excess energy out. 
  6. Focus on your health if it has not been good lately. Consulting a specialist on various health issues may help you conclude a better lifestyle.
  7. Avoid alcohol or caffeine consumption at least 3-4 hours before bedtime since they tend to interfere with your body’s sleep cycle. 
  8. A relaxing bath before bedtime will enable you to sleep better.
  9. You spend a considerable amount of time scrolling through your feeds on social media and expose yourself to the bright light from the device which arouses you both physiologically and psychologically that does not let you sleep.
  10. Include a feel-good sleep system mattress that may not only relieve your back ache and stiff necks but also provide adequate support to your body, inducing a more peaceful sleep.

With years of research into various sleeping patterns and behaviors, over 55% of individuals have faced sleep irregularities for years without any diagnosis. Even if we sleep only for a few hours, a well-rested body is a getaway to good health. 


The six golden rules of cultivating a better environment for a peaceful sleep: 

  • A quiet environment. 
  • A calm mind. 
  • Focus on relaxation.
  • A positive attitude.
  • A comfortable position. 
  • A comfortable mattress.  

We often wake up with a stiff neck blaming our sleeping position but not realizing the role of a good quality mattress and a pillow. 60% of individuals worry more about what fits their pocket while purchasing a mattress than its durability, comfort and quality. This mattress becomes a companion for years to come which eventually costs them their goodnight’s sleep. 

Feel-good sleep system caters to an exclusive range of memory foam and latex mattresses. We offer two types of mattresses in each category. Our Latex is 100% natural and is obtained from the sap of rubber trees. On the other hand Our Memory Foam mattresses are made of 3 layers i.e. Comfort layer, Transition layer and Core. Which are knitted with 440 gm comfort fabric that keeps the skin protected from the allergens.