Sleep quality and Mattresses

Sleep quality and Mattresses

It’s certain that sleep is an essential component for proper human functioning, which, in turn, governs the quality of  life. With life advancing so rapidly, and amidst all the clatter of the world, it’s advised to take a small break and invest on things that could prove detrimental for one’s health. One among such essential investments is to invest in a mattress. The quality of a mattress is proportional to the quality of the sleep that it offers. Besides, here are some of the benefits that a mattress of excellent quality avails:

1: Increased calmness and quality of life

If your mattress is irregular, full of bumps, and hard, it will not support your spine in a healthy manner. In such a case, sleeping will not feel reviving at all. It gives rise to back pain, and muscle sores. Our mattress ensures a proper and reviving sleep. It will take care of all your tossing and turning, and of every portion of your body that falls on it. 

2: Adjustable firmness

To choose a mattress according to your subjective needs is very essential. We provide a vast range of mattresses that help in selecting the firmness that is tailor-made for you. It is made sure that the mattress you buy is durable, firmer or softer, according to your needs, and one that provides the comfort you’ve been longing for. 


3: Improved blood circulation

It’s scientifically proven that lying on a hard surface for extended periods of time reduces the blood flow through blood vessels, and creates unease, and unending cycles of tossing and turning. Our mattresses make sure to reduce the pressure points on your body, so as to improve blood circulation throughout the night.


4: Decreased night sweating

What’s worse than waking up at night, with sweat tickling from your body? If the mattress you are presently using is made from a dense foam, it will trap the heat emanating from your body, and prevent its release. But you don’t need to panic since we are here. Our mattresses will ensure that all the natural heat gets released, so that your sleeping pattern is not affected even a least bit. 


5: Decreased stress and anxiety

Sleep disturbances directly take a toll on mental health, which is as crucial as your physical health. Continued sleep disturbances can have drastic effects on your cognitive functioning, and behaviour. It is paramount to invest in a mattress that prevents you from an ordeal that can otherwise prove devastating. It is an investment for your own betterment, and for your loved ones.

6: Decreased chances of allergy and infection:

An overused mattress can give rise to allergies and infectious health hazards. Dust mites populate inside the foams, from where it’s easy for them to get in contact with your skin, to cause diseases like asthma. Our mattresses are allergen-free and germ-resistant. Besides, they are very easy to clean as well. With just a wet swipe, you will find it shining like it always had.  


How long do you intend to endure the creaking noise coming from the corroded springs of your old mattresses? We have a remedy for all your sleeping issues, and we’re a call away.