Sleep and Immunity

Sleep and Immunity

Now that immunity, as a word, and as an essentiality has entered everyday speech, it is paramount to pay attention to things that help one to protect and increase immunity. Immune system determines the overall health of a person, and helps in warding off infections and wounds. It is our bodies defence against diseases. Researchers have since long been working on the relationship between sleep and immunity, and have concluded that a proper sleeping habit is linked to better health, and increased immunity. Here are some of the benefits of a proper sleep on immunity:

1: Increased efficiency of T cells

T cells are responsible for protecting against bacteria and viruses. When a person sleeps properly, T cells are released, which are of immense importance in fighting diseases like the coronavirus.

2: Lowers stress and anxiety

A proper sleeping schedule ensures the secretion of cytokines, which are believed to be stress reducing hormones. They also help in fighting infections induced by pathogens. Besides, during sleep the level of stress inducing hormones like adrenaline is also reduced.

3: Maintenance of Blood-Pressure and Sugar levels

Over time, doctors have increasingly advised patients with high blood pressure, and increased sugar levels to ensure a proper sleeping schedule, ranging from seven to nine hours per day.

4: Improved brain function

According to researchers, sleep triggers changes in the brain which are linked to increased memory, and better learning faculties. Even a loss of half a night’s sleep can affect the brain function.


5: Enhanced quality of life

After waking up from a sound session of sleep, one is less prone to anxiety, and feels relaxed and refreshed. It helps in concentrating on daily activities, and to do work that yields benefitting results. It also makes interactions more meaningful, and helps in making better decisions.

6: Low chances of obesity

Lack of sleep can give rise to obesity, which, in turn, gives rise to health hazards linked to the heart. Proper sleeping helps in secretion of a hormone known as leptin, which gives signals to the brain that a person has eaten enough. Poor sleep has been found to increase food cravings, and hence, contribute in a large way to obesity.

7: Increased chances of recuperation

It was found that people with a proper sleeping schedule are more likely to recuperate from a disease in less time, than people who have irregular and disturbed sleeping habits. It’s high for people to start prioritising sleep, and acknowledge that it has direct consequences on one’s physical, as well as mental health. Here’s a link to personalised sleeping systems that enhance sleeping quality, and help to increase immunity:
