How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?

The world can’t stop going about when it comes to healthy living, what it truly means, and what we need to do or add in our every daily life to be more fit. The thing is we truly want to be fit and healthy and we do so much, from investing in morning yoga routine to Satvik diet plans, only to maintain our A game when it comes to healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, we even have ‘healthy’ restaurants that serves diet conscious recipe to their customers. But in the midst of all this, we forget about bigger and most crucial part of our lives that goes in sleeping. After all an average human being spends about 1/3rd of his life sleeping. 

Sleep is the most vital part of our lives. Our body undergoes several transformations while we sleep. It restore, repair, & rejuvenate itself to promote good health. Our quality of sleep and sleeping patterns affects our brain and body functioning such as the memory power, mood, concentration, metabolism and immune system etc. are all regulated and controlled by how much and how well we sleep. Thus, getting adequate amount of sleep is as essential for our health as getting the right kind of diet and proper exercise. But do we know how much sleep we really need? 


Recommended Hours of Sleep

Recommended Hours of Sleep Experts have divided the number of hours of sleep requirement of an individual as per the age group he/she belongs to. These age group of an individual along with hours of sleep requirement per day, are listed below:

  • Newborns (0–3 months): 14–17 hours
  • Infants (4–12 months): 12–15 hours (including naps)
  • Toddlers (1–2 years): 11–14 hours (including naps)
  • Preschoolers (3–5 years): 10–13 hours (including naps)
  • School children (6–13 years): 9–11 hours
  • Teenagers (14–17 years): 8–10 hours
  • Adults (18–64 years): 7–9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): 7–8 hours


Though, ascertaining the how much sleep a person may need depends on several other factors listed below.




Every Individual has a unique biological cycle and every human body responds differently to different sleep patterns. Some individuals sleep long hours at night, others may sleep less at night but indulge in day time naps. What works for one individual may not work for another. Some individuals may need lesser than the recommended amount of sleep, others may need more, and that’s where genetic plays the role. However, there is no practical way to find out about one’s genetic mutation other than to pay attention to our body and its need.

 Though some people, even after taking day time naps and sleeping for long hours at night, still feel sleep deprived. That usually happens when aren’t getting the quality sleep.



Quality Sleep

Quality Sleep

The truth is many of us sleep but struggle hard to find a good posture to sleep in, and when we don’t get one, we feel sleep deprived in the morning even after sleeping longer than the recommended hours, that’s usually leads to poor quality sleep. Poor quality of sleep has hazardous effects on our body as well as mental wellbeing. We usually feel groggy, tired and unable to concentrate after we don’t get good quality of sleep at night. The condition may worsen if we continue to be deprived of quality sleep for longer period of time such as, memory loss, moods swings, low sex drives, weaken immune system, obesity and increase risk of cancer and heart diseases.

Researchers have found that a good comfortable sleeping posture promotes better quality of sleep as well as it can contribute significantly to our physical health and emotional vitality. But those struggles of night when we toss and turn and do the labor of adjusting our pillows throughout the night to get a comfortable posture, only result in disturbed sleep and lessen our chances of getting quality sleep at night. 

Rather than adjusting ourselves throughout the night, its better to adjust our beds as per our liking.


Adjustable Beds

Adjustable Beds

Feelgood Sleep Systems offers adjustable beds as well contour beds designed especially to ensure better sleep quality and optimal customer satisfaction. It helps us customize and align the position of our bed with our body so that we don’t spend our night times tossing and turning for a comfortable sleeping posture. 

There are reported number of health benefits of adjustable beds:

  • It helps prevent sleep apnea, asthma and snoring.
  • It reduces acid reflux and heart burn.
  • It prevents back pain and leg swelling.
  • It boost metabolism and improve digestion.
  • It promotes better blood circulation. 
  • It relieves arthritis and provides ease from the pressure on joints.

Adjustable beds are just not useful for good sleeping posture but also helps us provide comfortable position while we read a book or surf the internet. If we want to rest after a hard working day or just need a massage, its available only at the press of a button by Contour Elite Beds. 

Some of the features of adjustable beds by Feelgood Sleep Systems are listed below :

  • One touch flat & Zero G position
  • Head and foot control
  • Two programmable position (Setup TV/Reading Position)
  • Power outage protection
  • Zero Standby Power System
  • Head and foot Massage
  • Under-Bed lightning
  • Bluetooth & dual USB ports

These adjustable bed can be styled and accommodated as per our liking and bodily needs. These adjustable beds are must in today’s restless lifestyle. We spent so much to keep our body healthy by investing in rigorous diet plans and expensive gym membership, then why do we care so less when it comes to quality of our sleep. After all it’s contributes significantly to our mental and physical well-being. If we are really concern about our health and fed up of finding a good comfortable sleep position at night, then its high time we say goodbye to those daily sleep struggles and says yes to adjustable beds.