9 Reasons For Getting A Good Night’s Rest
- Jul 07, 2021
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We spend one third of our life sleeping, in simpler terms that is about 26 years of our lives spent just sleeping, it is one of the most important ways we spend our time, it is very important that we use it well. Most of our bodily functions – voluntary and involuntary – are linked to the way we sleep. So let us take a look at a few reasons why getting a good night’s rest is important.
The relation between sleep and memory is that of consolidation, getting rest allows us the time and energy to process new information. During the first stages of sleep, our brain prepares itself to learn new information once we wake up and go through our day. During this phase our brain also sifts through what it has experienced and memories are concretised.
Good Sleep keeps us from Gaining Weight
There have been a few studies which show that sleep affects calorie regulation. In them, it has been said that a good night’s sleep can affect the hormones responsible for calorie regulation. When a person does not sleep well enough or for long enough, it can play havoc with our bodies’ capability to regulate food intake correctly.
Good Sleep helps with our Emotions
There are two parts of our brains that are responsible for managing strong emotions, there is the amygdala, and then there’s the prefrontal cortex which manages the amygdala. When we are not well rested, the amygdala finds it difficult to process the information given to it and to produce a relevant response, leading to overreactions. The prefrontal cortex is also affected by sleep deprivation which might compound problems further, hence resting well is important.
When we sleep, our brain recalibrates and debriefs itself, in an effort to prepare for the upcoming day, this is a natural process, one of the things this replenishes is the parts of our brain that decode the meaning of emotional signals which helps us with is catching and understanding expressions on other people’s faces, this allows us to react in a more humane and empathetic way to our coworkers or friends and family
Good Sleep helps prevent Depression
Many studies have pointed to a link between depression and a lack of sleep. It becomes harder to treat when our sleep cycle is on the unpredictable side as well. Unfortunately, depression also leads to improper sleep, we can get caught in this cycle without even knowing it. Our mental chemistry remains under check when we sleep well, therefore it is important to have a predictable sleep schedule.
Good Sleep helps prevent Dementia
There are a number of factors which cause dementia, many of them linked to sleep, such as insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), problems in the sleep wake cycle, all of which can be fixed by making your sleep more unobstructed. A lack of sleep leads to the production of proteins which cause dementia, such as tau, this can be fixed easily and should make us value the importance of sleep more.
Good Sleep helps prevent inflammation in the body
There are a variety of studies which have suggested a direct relation between sleep and various inflammatory reactions. As we already know, the body performs many housekeeping functions during sleep, it primes our immune systems to combat potential ailments, thus reducing the risk of inflammation. Thus good quality sleep in a cool environment that promotes proper breathing is necessary.
Good Sleep gives us Glowing Skin
Sleeping well can give us moisturised, healthy and glowing skin, studies show that people who sleep 7-9 hours at night, in addition to these things, have skin that can heal and protect itself better against harmful UV rays from the sun. This happens because as we sleep, our body boosts blood flow to the skin, this means that we wake up with glowing skin that is better prepared to deal with situations thrown at it.
Good Sleep helps us tolerate pain Better
Once again research has shown us that people who suffer from chronic pain don’t feel it as much once they have had a good night’s rest. People who suffered pain from external injuries report the same thing, this has to do with the healing procedures that our body carries out while we sleep.
Modern times have seen good sleep – or at least a lengthy slumber – increasingly become a rarity, a luxury even. The onus of making up for that lost sleeping time often falls on us, therefore we have to pay attention to things that we earlier didn’t such as the positions of our knees, our spines, even our snoring, we have to find ways to get the equivalent of 8 hours’ worth of sleep in less than that, in other words to improve the quality of our sleep, a sleep system, specifically tailored to meet these demands, might just do the trick and bring you ever closer to a good night’s sleep.