10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important
- Jun 21, 2021
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Sleep, and rest in general are very important to us and our daily functioning, it acts as a fulcrum upon which our lives are balanced. Therefore it becomes very important that we maintain a healthy sleep schedule, ideally we should experience 6 to 8 sleep cycles per night, that amounts to 7-8 hours, which is what an adult needs to function properly. So, together we’ll walk through why sleeping well is important.
Good Sleep Reduces Stress
Sleep is a powerful stress reducer, it mainly entails two stages defined by the depth of sleep, as we progress from lighter to deeper sleep. our heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop and our muscles relax, our body begins the process of undoing the damage caused by mental and physical exertion incurred throughout the day, our stress levels are thus lowered, our body is calmed, the likelihood of impulsive responses is lowered and makes us less vulnerable to negative stimuli.
Good Sleep Improves Performance at Work
Losing an hour of sleep every night for a week is equivalent to functioning without an entire night’s worth of sleep. This leads to tiredness, irritability and even warped memories. Crucially in this context, it leads to a loss of cognitive function, which makes us less alert and slower to respond, thereby affecting our workplace performance. During sleep, mental pathways are formed and repaired which in its turn leads to enhanced learning and problem-solving skills capabilities, which are essential for peak performance in the workplace.
Good sleep leads to a Healthier Heart
Our blood pressure drops while we sleep, this reduces the stress on our heart and blood vessels, our body works in a circadian rhythm based on our biological clocks, if this process is disrupted, by an erratic sleep schedule for example, our body would have to produce more power to function at the same capacity as before, thus putting pressure on the heart, making us more susceptible to heart complications and strokes. A good night’s sleep helps us maintain this rhythm, reducing such risks.
Sleep may help fight Cancer
Many types of Cancer, especially breast and colon cancer, are linked to the levels of melatonin in our body, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, also thought to protect against cancer. Melatonin levels reduce with exposure to light, sleep is directly linked to a rise in melatonin in our body, therefore we are protecting ourselves against cancer by investing in a good night’s sleep.
Good Sleep helps maintain Blood Sugar Levels
Many studies show a direct correlation between a lack of sleep and type 2 diabetes, symptoms of prediabetes can be found in adults who have been sleep deprived for as little as 6 days. It also causes blood sugar levels to spike, during the deepest parts of our sleep, our blood glucose levels drop, not allowing this means that our body would have a harder time responding to our cells’ needs and blood sugar levels.
Good Sleep Boosts Immunity
Getting 8 hours of sleep per night can improve our immune system and help protect us against germs. A Good Night’s sleep maintains our immune system’s functioning and enables them to attack and mitigate illnesses more often. Additionally Good Sleep can also keep you from feeling tired and worn out.
Good Sleep Keeps us From Getting Weaker Over Time
Good Sleep enables quick and clear thinking and allows us to react and adapt to situations quickly. People who are sleep deprived are more likely to make poor decisions and make uncalculated risks. This leads to exertion and tiredness, which is one of the key causes of stress, which as a result, leads to sleep deficiency, forming a vicious cycle. Sleep therefore is very important for the Physical Functioning of the Body.
Good Sleep May Make You Smarter
A Good Night’s Sleep is an energising alternative to caffeine when it comes to rejuvenating your senses and providing a shot of energy to your body. Especially naps, which are linked to smaller mental decreases when compared with people who don’t take naps.
Good Sleep Reduces The Risk of Depression
One of the chemicals that our bodies naturally produce while we sleep is serotonin, which among other things, is responsible for combating feelings of depression, sleeping less means robbing our bodies of the time spent producing the chemical, thus we start running a higher risk for succumbing to depression.
Good sleep helps with Physical Feats
Research shows that sleep helps with physical feats and athletic achievements, especially ones that require endurance such as jogging and swimming. It helps with muscle repair and also boosts stamina and helps us with staying motivated and as we have already seen before, it improves our reaction times. Sleep thus emerges as an invaluable tool that isn’t just a byword for rest but has a deep impact on numerous other facets of our lives.
Good Sleep, as many people find out, is quite elusive, it is dictated by factors that we often don’t take into consideration, such as body temperature and room temperature, the curvature of our spine, our breathing patterns, movement during sleep. The real tragedy is that we never pay attention to these problems, they have very easy fixes, make sure your room is dark and cool at bedtime, don’t look at electronic gadgets before bed, it might also do us well to invest in sleep systems, designed specially to solve such problems and more, and there might lie the key to a good night’s sleep.
For more enquiries on Sleep Solutions and Systems Call on 1800 121 189 189